What I Don't Like About Chinese New Year | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

What I Don't Like About Chinese New Year

... is gatherings with family or friends. Well, this year, there's no family gathering since no one bothered to come back. But friends, a friend is not coming back as his father passed away in December, 2006, so he is still in mourning. Two are overseas, one may even come to my house to look for me as he hasn't seen me online for months now. And by the way, I hate people coming to my house without notice, so if you do know my address, please don't come.

As for the rest, I am sure they will be back but as long as nobody organises any gathering, I will be safe. If they do get together and I don't turn up, they will think I am eksi, which I really am not.

These gatherings and meet ups make me recall an incident that happened a few years back.

Once, my Russian pen-pal and his mother made a trip to Malaysia for a holiday. He wanted to make a detour to my hometown which is a big hassle since my town has no international airport. So, I told him that I will not be able to meet him even if he comes because at that time, my grandma was at her death bed and we all had to standby.

Anyway, I asked a friend to treat my pen-pal and his mother to a meal before they leave. My friend said he called and left a message at the hotel but my pen-pal did not get back to him. On the other hand, my pen-pal said no one left him any message at all.

And the problem was I don't even know who was telling the truth. Long story short, he has stopped contacting me since then.

So, yeah, somebody can be so unreasonable. I know he came all the way here from Central Asia, but I have my duty to do as a grand-daughter. It wasn't as it things were planned.



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