The Wait Is Killing Me | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Wait Is Killing Me

I don't call my town lauyah for nothing. I have waited for DAYS for medical treatment for my monkey. So I have decided that we should at least give him a chance by taking him in for an x-ray and what am I told? It has to be ARRANGED and that I will be called at the first available opportunity.

I was told by my vet, who does not have x-ray or ultra scan facilities at his own clinic, to take my monkey to either place A or B. You say lauyah or not?

And I have been told that my monkey has to be SEDATED just to take a few exposures. Need to go through such lengths meh? For Heaven's sake, he hasn't eaten for days and has even refused medicine; he won't even have the energy to do his trademark lion dance jumping around to avoid the x-rays.

Honestly speaking, I am just so exhausted with everything that is going on and yet I am dreading each minute as it comes. I make ultra bad company right now.


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