Stop Whining Already! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, January 05, 2007

Stop Whining Already!

It's almost a week since the Taiwan earthquake and the internet connection, though still not recovered, is useable. It in slow and I can understand if someone complains about it if they depend on the internet to "cari makan" but almost everyday, I hear people complain that they are ready to kill somebody because the internet speed is so slow, they can't play online games like WoW or D&D.


There are people out there who are so selfish; they use a proxy server to connect to the internet just to play games! Can you believe that? Bandwidth is already so scarce, and they are using somebody else's connection.

Think of it this way. A guest comes to your house and sleeps on your bed and eats your food just like they are his own stuff. Amazing!


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