PowerOptions For Smarter Stock Investment | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, January 04, 2007

PowerOptions For Smarter Stock Investment

From my own experience in stock investment, we cannot rely on the remisier. Whether I was making a profit or losing, he would keep urging me to sell. I came to the conclusion that he was only thinking of his own commission.

I subsequently registered myself with PowerOptions upon the recommendation of my Uncle who is himself a user. He made good profits thanks to the patented SmartSearchXL® technology that finds the best stock option trades.

He said that it's easier to sort, filter or analyze the almost 3,000 optionable stocks and almost 200,000 options online. I have to agree that it's a whole lot more convenient to do that on the computer.

Besides receiving the
options newsletter regularly, I was told the other benefits of PowerOptions include real time data, extensive analysis and comprehensive information that help me make a better profitable decision. I gave this a try as PowerOptions is offering a 14-day trial.


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