Oh No, I'm In Serious Trouble | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, January 15, 2007

Oh No, I'm In Serious Trouble

For the second week in a row, I have thoroughly forgotten that today's Saturday. I came online in the morning and from then onwards, kept refreshing my stock counters until 4pm, that was when I realised that it's Saturday *gasp*

Even noticing that all the stocks were untraded, even the normally active ones, did not alert me. Aiyoyo die loh if this goes on.

It has been months since I wrote in this blog that my days keep rolling into one whole work week. The pressure has yet to let up. I wonder when I will be able to just stop bearing my responsibilities and go off and lead the life I desire.

I guess it is my own bad karma to be stuck in this situation. I really envy the people who can go off to do something on impulse.

I seriously need help *sniff*

Now, where's the ticket promised to me to the Phantom of the Opera show in Singapore???


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