Multi-seasonal Fashion - My Kind of Fashion | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Multi-seasonal Fashion - My Kind of Fashion

In a previous post, I wrote about The Diva's Dreams, a fashion blog by Belisi. Two days ago, there is a post by Belisi on multi-seasonal fashion.

I am all for multi-seasonal fashion. I am the kind of person who knows she needs a change in wardrobe and yet never got around to it. It's hard for me to catch up with fashion and it is a luxury to own the current "IT" item. How many "IT" items can I own, but ONE?

And after I have bought it, I always pray that this item will be evergreen! It is the same for accessories and handbags. Friends know that I rarely buy these and hardly ever carry a handbag but once I do buy, I splash on it and then hope it will not go out of fashion for a long time.


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