Just Think About It | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Just Think About It

A few days ago, something got me thinking. It is the sacrifice of animals in celebration of some festivities.

Shown in the news were camels and cows having their necks sawn (or hacked?) and these poor animals stood there with blood draining bit by bit from their man-induced wound. And because of their size, this bleeding to death process could take hours.

Can you imagine the pain these sacrificial animals suffer from? Good healthy animals killed like that, exposed to the hot sun with blood draining slowly, they grow weaker and weaker, their knees buckle and they gradually fall to the ground and yet not dead, breathing hard and yet has no oxygen no thanks to the gaping hole in their neck.

Must we, the supposedly most intelligent "animal" kill these animals in this most inhumane way? I'm not going to question the need to have sacrificial animals, because I understand that certain religion has certain ways of doing things.

The question now is, must it be this way? We're supposed to be living in an advanced world. There HAS got to be a better way, right??


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