I've Been Thinking ........ | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, January 22, 2007

I've Been Thinking ........

.... wouldn't it be great if I could divorce myself from this worldly world and move away to a place far, far away and be by myself and not let people and problems bother me?

I'm tired, getting very, very tired with the stuff that bogs me down every day. I wonder when only am I able to emerge from all the shit but I'm currently not seeing that proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.

This seems like a loooong one. I wonder if I will lose my way. Well, I don't know, I just feel like putting everything down and go off. I wish I could but my sense of responsibility is too great for my own good.

And I realised that when people call my name (and I don't mean on the phone), sure they have nothing good for me. They just want me to do stuff for them but I already have my hands full. Can't they understand that?

I have a lot of stuff on my head waiting to burst out but I'm lazy to construct my thoughts into sentences. So that will have to wait for another day.


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