Blur As Blur Can Be | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Blur As Blur Can Be

The other day, I was at Jusco to buy some bread. The cashier, as usual, asked if I have the J-Card, I said I did. I handed it over to her and when she scanned it, it gave a beeping sound. My card has expired! I didn't even realise. It was embarrassing but not as much as if it was a credit card haha

Last night, it should be this morning but as long as I did not go to bed yet, I still think it's "night time", I went to bed past 5am. I woke up at 8am, and I went about my way as usual and I wondered why everything was so eerily quiet, and I wondered if it was a public holiday.

In fact, I thought it was Monday. I checked my share counters and wondered to myself, "Eh why all also not traded wan?" But I didn't give it much thought since one of the counters is really slow. Sometimes it was not traded for the whole day. That's why I'm still holding on to them!

I only realised that it's in fact Sunday at around 2pm!!! You say I die or not?? Everyday is the same for me. I don't have sense of the day, date or even time! I think I need medical help.


_butt said...

Aiseh, sometimes I also like that blur blur.. last time I accompanied some friends to shop for some stuff at Jusco. So there I was, waiting for them to cashed out the stuffs, and thought I could lend a helping hand by helping them to take the bags then. And then one of them asked me..

"Eh, whoose bag is this??"

Little did I know that I mistook someone else's bag as my friend's! The auntie behind me was bewildered that I (accidentally) took her stuff! LOL

You've changed your blog title :)

Em said...

Hi _butt,

You're lucky she did not drag u to the security office and alleged u for stealing hahah

Due to my blurness, my hair clip fell into the toilet bowl just now *sigh*

Yea, I changed my blog title cos I felt bad for the sponsors. It was like making a mockery of them.

Here was my post on it.
Why I Changed My Blog Title

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