The Year In Review | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Year In Review

2006 has been a whirlwind year. It has it ups, it has its downs. The saddest was when my friend passed away after a long struggle with cancer. His chats kept me down for a long time but his optimism kept me out of my own despair. If he could struggle on in whatever that was left of his life, why can't I? I am comforted by the thought that he is now in a better place.

If I thought that 2005 was madness, little did I know that 2006 would double that madness. If I thought that I worked hard enough in 2005, I doubled my work hours in 2006, until I only have 3 - 4 hours of sleep nightly.

A male friend told me that I can't spend all my time working. He told me that I need to find a boyfriend to balance out my life. Why must I find a boyfriend? Why can't this "boyfriend" whoever he is, find me? According to my friend, nobody can find me if I'm indoors the whole day and night. OK, fair enough, but I seriously have no time to entertain a boyfriend and neither do I relish the thought of being saddled with problems associated with a guy.

When I was a kid, my uncle, a Dean of studies in a prominent local university, used to complain that he didn't even have time to sht. I didn't believe him. I wondered how could someone be so busy? Now I know better. And it really is no laughing matter.

There were days when I felt so pressured for time and money, I calculated every sen that I had, but somehow, we managed to meet our commitment month by month, by the grace of God.

I can proudly say that I, and my monkeys, survived 2006!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported my endeavours one way or another throughout the year.


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