Somebody Please Halt Time For Me | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Somebody Please Halt Time For Me

Christmas is drawing closer and closer and I'm damn feeling the pressure. There are stuff that I should get done way before Christmas and it's sort of like an annual routine. Just stuff that gotta be done. It's now a week to Christmas and the deadline was Friday, yesterday, and I still haven't got it started.

No doubt it's not a crime even if I didn't do it but I feel very bad as it's my responsibility to see to it every year and this year, I am late. I will get to it, but it will be late. And my excuse will again be that I am busy. Yes, indeed very busy that I am sleeping at 5am and waking at 8am. I can survive, but the question is for how long?

I hope that in the new year (2007), the pressure will be off a little. The debt schedule will be met only at the end of 2007 but then we'll have to start on another one, only difference is that the amount will be less. At least it's my hope that it can be negotiated to be lesser than what we are saddled with right now.


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