So Sien, Can Die! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, December 28, 2006

So Sien, Can Die!

The internet is so slow it's making me so sien, can die! Not that I am addicted to the internet or anything, just that my work revolves around the internet so much and I depend on it a lot for communication purposes.

And even with a crappy internet like these days I'd still have to get things completed every day. So I'm spending longer and longer hours in front of the computer, just waiting and waiting (and of course cursing and swearing too) as if on a good connection day, my hours aren't long enough *sigh*

So what to do? Work continues even with a broken tool.

Actually I did have something significant that I wanted to blog on today, but after I at last managed to log in here, I have totally forgotten what I wanted to say. You say suey or not?

Sien ahhhh and it's only the second day. Sumore says internet services in Asia may take 2 weeks to return. By then I'm 3/4 dead oredi!

Source: HERE


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