Nowadays No Need TO Wear Underwear, Issit? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Nowadays No Need TO Wear Underwear, Issit?

Just look at Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears. This is the message they are giving us. I wonder after this, how much lower can they stoop to gain attention. There's good publicity and there's bad publicity, this doesn't even fall into the bad category.

Of course, guys would love to see more still, but people lose interest when there's no more mystery, don't they know it? One guy friend told me that ladies like these are good for one night stands, and not wife material. Wait a minute, he gotta be kidding, Britney Spears want to marry him or not first?

But this Britney Spears, by showing her shaved crotch, seems to be saying to the world, "Look what K-Fed gave up! Do you want some action?" Well, at least this was the message my antenna received lah, don't know about you. As for Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan, my antenna did not pick up any signal.

So will this new fashion trend catch on in Malaysia? Actually it's not new lah, they just went back in time to Adam & Eve days. If Malaysian ladies become this daring, I can tell Cyberpartygal to close shop.


Em said...

You can find the pictures on the internet lah. Free for all to see teehee

I'll not ask how you know about this trend catching on in KL, but I'll assume you're an upskirter then *bleh*

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