New Year's Resolutions | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, December 30, 2006

New Year's Resolutions

It's the time of the year again where everyone is making lists of New Year's resolutions. I hardly ever make any. I remember a long time ago, I gave myself ten years to go to Monte Carlo for a holiday. The ten years have come and gone but my holiday never happened. Maybe I do not work hard enough towards my resolutions.

My resolutions for next year shall be to work harder and also at the same time take better care of myself. Is that possible? I have been looking like shit for the past year, so yeah, perhaps some personal time would do me good.

I also will try not to let other people's problems affect me so much. Heck, I've got too heavy a load on my shoulders as it is. I don't need to carry somebody else's burden.

And I think I should give more of my time to friends. I feel kinda bad some of them have been neglected for the past few months.

That's all for the time being, I guess. I lead a simple kinda life with only small demands.


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