Marketers Make Me Feel Like A Loser | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Marketers Make Me Feel Like A Loser

Some time back, I wanted to participate in a viral marketing thingy. They were giving out USD10 for sharing a real life experience of dining out at a fast food chain in my cowtown. They also required us to post a photo of the food, but me... never eaten at this chain before and did not have any photo.

But I thought I'd try to find one somehow, somewhere. At least my referrer will receive USD2 from my participation.

I searched all over the net and there was nothing suitable. Deployed a few friends to help, and they too cannot come up with any photo for me. Then I finally found one; a photo of three burgers, and I had to ask someone to tell me what burgers are these? I can't tell one from another.

My friend was shocked and said, "WHAT? Like that also you don't know??!!??" And he followed that by rubbing it in, "No wonder you are always unhappy la... never eaten Happy Meals before, how to be happy?"

Duh! In the first place, I'm not unhappy, and if I were, it definitely is not because I did not eat Happy Meals. Pah! Stuff the viral marketing lah!


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