Looking For A Good Hosting Plan | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Looking For A Good Hosting Plan

I mentioned somewhere (there's so much content, even I myself am lazy to go through old post one by one) in this blog that I'm gonna get my own domain name and host my own blog. Well, this has given me a headache for the past week.

Being a total n00b, I have no idea how I'm gonna go about it. I know how to purchase a domain name and I know I how to purchase a hosting package and that's about it. You say I feel like a loser or not?

Ask me about shares, ask me about horse racing but when we talk about hosting and computing and programming, duh, I'm like a fish out of water.

I don't even know how to go about transferring my current blog to my new blog and I'm even thinking of paying someone to do the dirty work for me but that wouldn't look good.

I wish there's someone to take care of all these decision making for me. I'm not someone who's too clever with making decisions and always end up making blunders. So, yeah, this non-paying post is open to anyone with knowledge on blog hosting.


Jason Lioh said...

Contact sapiensbryan[@]gmail.com and tell him I refer you to him. His package is 500mb space, with 5G bandwidth for RM200. Don't worry, he will setup everything for you, including wordpress and maybe even importing your old posts from blogger. :)

Actually, I have a cheaper hosting which is the one I am currently using. But for some lazy-to-explain reasons, I introduce Bryan to you.

Bryan is currently hosting a lot of bloggers' blog and 5xmom is a big client of his.

Em said...

wah jason that's out of my budget. My blog is so small and low traffic only mah.

Jason Lioh said...

If that's the case, go for my hosting loh. RM120 with 200mb, and err, 3G bandwidth, I think. Not sure. So how?

Em said...

Let me think aboutit first LOL

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