I Dreamt of Being a Poet | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, December 04, 2006

I Dreamt of Being a Poet

.....a few years ago. But then no one ever noticed them. I showed it to an "arts" friend to let him comment condemn. He said I was writing lyrics 'cos I was always rhyming my words. I like to rhyme, cannot meh?

Anyway, I got disheartened and then I had more important stuff to take care of. And so died a dream. But with my own blog, I get to publish them so that you get to laugh at my work.


The clock shows six,
Time to awake.
I look out the window
Only to see a placid lake.

There’s no daylight yet,
The air is biting.
Silence broken by the running tap
And coffee smells inviting.

In the midst of morning rush,
There’s harmony in me.
I’m moving non-stop
But there’s no trouble I can see.

Stepping out of my house,
The world is welcoming,
No bombs or fighter jets overhead
Or misplaced people aimlessly roaming.

The scenery is picture perfect,
All is in order from dawn ‘til dusk.
If I wish peace to continue,
Is it too much to ask?


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