Christmas Greetings | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas Greetings

How many Christmas cards did you get? I only received one. And I figure I'd be getting another, a belated one, after the New Year, cos my friend e-mailed to tell me that his card, an annual ritual, will be late this year. Hah... and I thought I was the only one with work up to my nose.

So it's a total of two only. No e-cards, no nothing. Oh yeah, my friend sent me the SMS that went like this: Jingle Pau, Jingle Pau, Jingle Char Siew Pau, Lin Yoong Pau, Tau Sar Pau, Siew Mai, Lo Mai Kai .... that really cracked me up.

I remember last time when we were in primary school, my friends and will eagerly wait for school to reopen (Christmas always fall on the year end holidays) and compare how many Christmas cards we received. The same for Chinese New Year. Only thing we did not compare was Valentine's Day card. Thank God for me.

Thinking back, that's so childish. We thought that the ones who get the most cards are the most popular, which is logical also.

Now, the only thing I compare is the amount I get as Chinese New Year angpow. It does not help having friends with rich parents. Bah It hurts, trust me. I will always tell my mother that so-and-so received a total of xxxx angpow, but my mother never gets the hint *sigh*

Because my angpow never goes above RM50, for this coming Chinese New Year, I will give myself a big fat present :-)


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