Blog Housekeeping & Random Jottings | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Blog Housekeeping & Random Jottings

After six months blogging here, it was time to do some housekeeping, so I deleted some of the useless stuff on the sidebar which I thought was useful but they did nothing but clutter up the place.

I've added RSS feed to this blog. I've also added music, but you'd have to click on the PLAY button, on either end of the bar. Thanks to _butt for introducing Lifelogger to me. So I got my friend to register, cos I hate to register with so many sites, I keep forgetting my passwords. So anyway, now I have a song, and I have also added her syndication of blogs on the side bar, in exchange. Please visit her blogs. Thank you.

I hope you'll enjoy my selection of songs. It was my childhood dream to be a DJ. I don't know why, but I love radio a lot. Obviously, I did not get to realise my ambition *sigh*

November is a bad month for me. Most of my friends are November babies. There are almost 10 birthdays of close friends, and also numerous not so close ones. This year I am quite lucky as one of them is in New Zealand, one in Australia and one in PeeJay on work trips. Luckily for me *phew* Otherwise, I really pokkai. Just send them e-card will do. Free wan. :-)

If last month I looked like a witch, now I look like an old witch, the ones we see in fairy tales, with dishevelled long hair, wearing a cone-shaped hat and riding a broom. I don't know how I'm gonna play host to my friend who will be bringing his family for a visit this school holidays and another friend is coming back after Thanksgiving, another booked me for after Chinese New Year.

I better start taking care of my looks and try to get rid of the eye bags from now onwards before they think I am a bomb victim. That's the result of sleeping less than five hours a night.


Yoong Family said...

seems like these blog music players are really popular these days.

like the song.

Em said...

Hi simon,

Thanks for dropping by and commenting.

It's ok to put music on the blog as long as we have the option to PLAY it.

Those that auto play are annoying and slows down page load.

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