Guilty Post | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Guilty Post

It's been exactly three weeks since I last blogged. Three weeks is like eons in internet time. I feel so guilty about it and I apologise to my two regular readers who log in almost daily but see no updates here. A thousand apologies!

I know I should have, but did not, drop a note here saying that I'm taking a break from this blog. I didn't want to mess this blog with short notices. Forgive me.

I've been freaking busy. Have to take care of work on three computers and at the end of the day, I go home to not one, but TWO sick monkeys. This has put me off keeping monkeys forever.

When I sit in front of the PC, something always comes up that calls me away and then I lose my train of thought and also the mood to blog. So, as you can see, I don't have any personal time at all.

All I want to do is to watch a senseless movie, movie that do not require me to use my brains. But with 30 titles waiting for me, I even have crack my head to decide which to watch first!

Also, I kinda feel that this blog needs a revamp but I'm so so so lazy. I wish there's someone to do the dirty work for me.

Anyway, I need log off now.

Siaran masih tergendala.

Don't be notti. I'll be back soon!!


_butt said...

Just close your eyes and pick one out of the 30 titles.. easy!! hehe

oh, hope the two monkeys get well soon.. :)

CS LEE said...

busy = good things!

good luck buddy

Em said...


Thanks for your good wishes.
One monkey is well, the other is still not 100%, since June 2006, lor :-(

head hunter

Thank you & good luck to you too. Hope you'll have a better life in your new place!

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