Repaying My Sleep Debt .... | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, August 25, 2006

Repaying My Sleep Debt ....

... or so I thought.

I thought with an MC, I finally have the chance to pay off some sleep debt, and so I went to take a nap at 2pm. I couldn't open my eyes if my life depended on it, anyway. The medication was sleep inducing, as it should be, to make the patient rest as much as possible.

But just when I went into dream land, my phone vibrated. A quick look at the clock showed 2.15, and for the life of me, I couldn't even make out if it was 2.15am or 2.15pm.

Anyway, I answered it:

Me: Hello?
Caller: Hello....
Caller: Sleeping ar?
Me: Yes.
Caller: Aiyooo
Me: What?
Caller: Still sick ar?
Me: Yes.
Caller: Why sick so long wan? More than one week already.
Me: Dunno.
Caller: Didn't see doctor meh?
Me: Got.
Caller: Then why take so long to recover?
Me: Dunno. What you want?
Caller: Have you heard of the new Bon Jovi song ah? Who Says We Can't something something ....
Me: &*(^&$)(*^_(^_^^#_#*^@^@%)(#_)#&^_)#
Caller: You listen to this song ah.......
Me: $%^&;*((*&^%#$#@%&*())_))_*&^%#$#$
Caller: Can hear or not?
Me: Can.
Caller: It's on the radio now and I thought of you.
Me: $#%&;^*&()(()&*%^$##@$&^*)_)^&^*&%#@#@@@$&*(*&^&&^$#%^&*()((*^#@#**^
Caller: Why didn't online last night?
Me: Slept at 10.30pm
Caller: I'm driving now. Chat with you some other time lah.
Me: %*^$*$#%&^*&;()(()&*%^$##@$^&*^$$&^*)_)^&^*&%#@#@@@$&*(*&^&&^$#%^&*()((*^#@#**^$#%&^*&()(()&*%^$##@$&^*)_)^&^*&%#@#@$&*(*&^&&^$#%^&*()*^

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