Have You Heard? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Have You Heard?

Have You Heard of Robert Chai Yet?

He's seaching for the Next Malaysian Blog Idol.

Competition begins today, 31st August, 2006, in conjunction with Malaysia's 49th birthday. And I've been told, the winner of the 19in Dell LCD screen will be announced on 31st August, 2007.

How to win?

It's so easy, I'd like to participate too, and I think I CAN win if I group all my buddies and monkeys to vote for me, but I won't join in case someone cries "Cronyism!" due to my closest of close relationship with CyberPartyGal, one of the organisers of the competition.

Who will win?

Only those who win the MRY50, and there are two chances every month, will get to participate in the annual round. If you don't win the MRY50, then sorry lah, no hopes of winning the webhosting package, or the mobile phone, or the 19in DELL LCD screen.

But that's not all

Anyone who sends the best feedback, suggestions, comments, etc. to the developers by 30th September, 2006 will be awarded with a Kingston PenDrive.


I should be the winner for all the late nights I spent with them until 3am working out the kinks of the site.

So where's my pendrive eh?

~*~ Gimme the 19in Dell LCD screen better lah ~*~

And do you want a 17in DELL LCD Screen as well?

Robert Chai needs 300 active members by the end of 30th September, 2006, before he is willing to sponsor this additional prize.

So, if you want MORE goodies in the annual prize pool, you know what to do! Just get everyone you know to register an account at www.RobertChai.com and start participating!

Everyone stands an equal chance of winning!


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