Petticoat in the Tropics? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Petticoat in the Tropics?

Chatting with my friend brought back memories of our stupid school rules. We were both from premier all-boys and all-girls missionary schools in this cowboy town.

He told me that now, his school requires all students to wear a number on their name tag. Apparantly, a name is not enough.

Schools in Malaysia are regimented enough not to make students feel like they are in the army.

Or worse, students might feel as if they are being treated like convicts, where numbers are assigned to each prisoner.

For my school, I wonder if the rule to wear petticoats is already abolished. The people who approved this rule must have been out of their minds, and do not realise that we are living in hot & humid Malaysia.

Aahhh I remember how troublesome it was having to wear a petticoat, and some of us, including myself, wear shorts inside as well. So, that's a total of 4 layers of clothing below waist.

Some wear double panties on bad days of the month (those days, sanitary napkins don't come with wings). And that makes FIVE frigging layers of clothing!

Hahaha Thinking back, I wonder how we survived those looooong years. We girls must have looked quite bulky, eh? :p

Haihh... does wearing petticoats make us better students? Better citizens? Nah, I don't think so but it did make me shun wearing petticoats after I left school
. Ahhh blissssss


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