Life is Full of Pranks, NO? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, June 02, 2006

Life is Full of Pranks, NO?

Last night, I was trying to download a Korean song which I like, after watching an episode of K-drama. Now, if you have read my blog from the beginning, you'll know I'm running a K-fever.

So, there were options to download the full OST album or download song by song. As I only like one particular song, I didn't opt for the full OST album.

Since I do not read Korean and do not know the title of the song that I want, I don't know which song to download from the pool of 17 songs. So I just tembak saje lah.

Of course, I was given the option to stream the music files, but I hate to stream with Screamyx. It makes me vomit blood.

So downloading one by one was my choice.

Unfortunately, each and every song that I downloaded was not the one I wanted. And you know what, the song that I wanted, I downloaded it LAST! You say I mung (frustrated) or not? Of all the songs available, I picked it LAST and ended up having the full album now! Arrghh

Come to think of it, every time I fancied wearing a particular piece of clothing, it just has to be the bottom most piece in a pile of clothings, stashed at the back corner of the wardrobe.

And every time when I am looking for a particular document, it just has to be in a file that's last in the pile... (oh yay, it rhymes!)

Every time when I desperately wanted to look for something, I end up wasting lots of time moving irrelevant stuff. Why can't things be conveniently found?

I wonder if I'm the only one in this world who always KENA .........


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