To ALL Shortwave Kakis ~ Open Invitation From RTI | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

To ALL Shortwave Kakis ~ Open Invitation From RTI

Image courtsey of Radio Taiwan International

I recently received an invitation from Radio Taiwan International to attend their 2006 meet-the-Malaysian-listeners gathering..... I don't read Mandarin but that's what I think it is.

Here's the invitation:



竭誠歡迎您能夠踴躍出席這次聽友會,第一場聽友會將訂於6月3日下午1:30,首先在沙巴亞庇市的Hyatt Regency Kinabalu Hotel(凱悅飯店60-88-221-234)舉行,第二場聽友會6月4日下午2:00,在吉隆坡Hotel Istana Kuala Lumpur(伊士丹飯店60-3-2141-9988)舉行。




If you are a shortwave radio enthusiast and would like to attend this gathering, you may download the RSVP form here.

It's unfortunate that I won't be able to participate despite having tuned in to RTI since early 1997. Kuala Lumpur is such a distance away.... *sigh* Kota Kinabalu is worse... urgghh

Anyway, hope you guys will enjoy meeting up with the people behind the voices.

Drop me a comment if you are a shortwave kaki, please?


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